A sign you can't pass up
I recently found myself in a situation that was tapping into my ego and the fears it generates. I have enough knowledge of how the Law of Attraction works to realize that this was not going to help the matter. I turned to the Universe and asked for a sign or direction as to what to do with this situation. All I needed to do was to remain open to how it might show up. This morning I was at my desk and noticed a small pamphlet entitled, The Golden Key, by Emmet Fox written 80 years ago. In italics were the words, "Stop thinking about the difficulty, whatever it is, and think about God instead." The words shot through me like a lightning bolt. He also made reference to the exact situation I was dealing with and how this could be applied. The sign I had asked for had been sent loud and clear. I now had a way to approach what was happening in my life fully confident that this was the solution. What signs has the Universe/God sent to you to show you which direction to take?
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