
August 28, 2018

We don't often hear people share how they have experienced epiphanies in their lives, yet they do occur. An epiphany is described as an experience of sudden and striking realization. Perhaps you have been challenged by a problem or situation which holds little hope of resolution. All of a sudden the answer is right in front of you as clear as day. I have only been able to identify two epiphanies in my life. One was when I was tasked with paying a large sum of money for repairs I had done on my home. I spoke to every expert I could think of and none of them could offer a workable solution. Then suddenly the answer came to me after I had pretty much given up. My experts later told me I should write a book about how I did it. My most recent epiphany came more recently regarding the direction my career is taking. In both cases I was entirely open to new knowledge. Epiphanies don't occur when they are forced. That would be more of the ego in action. Think of your life and the times when you had no idea of what your next steps would be. Was there a flash of insight that you had that informed you of what to do next? What happened when you listened to that insight? How have epiphanies shown up in your life or the lives of those you know?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.