Fnders keepers

September 2, 2024

As a child, one rhyme that I recall is “Finderskeepers, losers weepers.” Today I applied the lesson behind this rhyme. I hadasked for a sign on a decision I was about to make. I looked down and saw 15pennies strewn on the sidewalk. As I continued to walk I found another pennyand a nickel. I accepted this as a sign to move forward with that decision. Ireminded myself that the message on each of the coins is “In God we trust.” TheUniverse always provides us with what we need. I need to release the outcomeand allow for that to manifest. That happens sometimes quickly and sometimesslowly. If I throw up roadblocks such as “That could never happen” or “I don’tdeserve that,” the Universe will respond in kind to match that intention. Itnever disappoints. It is important to create a mindset of openness to whateverthe Universe has planned for us. I have no idea of what the sign I receivedmeans. All I know is that there was a reason for it happening. Who knows whatelse it is that I will find. That’s the exciting side to life. When was thelast time you found something and what happened as a result of that?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.