Letting go

May 12, 2024

Once we have set an intention to manifest what we desire in our lives, the next step is to release the outcome. There is no need to attempt to manipulate the results because the Universe is fully capable of delivering what we ask for. It may involve a request for something in the physical realm or a desired outcome in a relationship or even a concern for our Earth. If we attach worry and doubt to our request, this will affect the results. That is why I always add, "This or something better." I can then walk away from what I have expressed to the Universe knowing that a response will come in some form. It may be an immediate manifestation of my request or a gentle reminder that the time is not right yet. This was most recently shown to me when I needed to acquire a new car. I put my need out to the Universe and, in a very short time, I received an email from a friend whose mother-in-law had just died and they had her low mileage car for sale. The price was certainly affordable and a check had just arrived that allowed me to pay cash. This all transpired in about a month. Of course I had to take the necessary actions including contacting her about the car, having it inspected, and doing the paperwork. It all flowed without a hitch. When it flows we know that we are on the right path. Letting go is about trusting that the Universe is present and there for us. What do you need to let go of today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.