Nothing is ever wasted
We often hear of people who look back at their lives with regret. They wish that they had made different choices or walked a different path. Rather than spend time wishing that life had proceeded on another route, accept that every experience is what brought you to where you are today. If it was supposed to be different, it would have been. What matters is how you have grown from those experiences. Have you become stronger, more directed, less fearful, more confident? Think of how metal is tempered to strengthen it. The same is true of your life. When you go through difficult times, it is up to you as to what you take from it. You can choose to be a victim or a victor. I look back on my own life and realize that the times of pain and doubt contributed to the person I am today when I decided to move beyond those moments and not allow them to define me. This is not a guarantee that I will not walk through those times in the future, but I will do so knowing that they can be my best teachers if I am patient and open. How has your past served to make you the person you are today?
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