Shine and rise
Our purpose is to shine light on our gifts and talents. What are you set forth to do in this lifetime? What are you doing to share your gift of musical ability, athleticism, organization, or manual skills for the service of those around you? How do you feel as you perform tasks that utilize your gifts and talents? What are you doing to expand your expression of what you have been given? Think about the training you might have undergone or the books you have read to strengthen these gifts. Our gifts and talents are like our muscles which must be exercised or they atrophy. How do you rise to the occasion to demonstrate them in the world? It may be through your work, a hobby, or an opportunity to volunteer your services. When you do this, it takes you to the next level.You will innately know when it is time to proceed with stretching yourself beyond your current comfort zone. It is like bread dough rising to reach its potential. Without that rising it would taste flat. What are you doing today to shine and rise with your gifts and talents?
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Ready to take your career into your own hands? Schedule a session with David to gain even more insight into getting the most fulfilling career for you.