Stepping stones

December 11, 2023

Think about a goal you set or a task you wanted to accomplish. Most likely you had to proceed through a series of steps to do so. You may have wanted to obtain a college degree. You first had to decide which school to attend, then complete the application process for admission. Once you were accepted, you had to complete the required coursework which meant attending classes, writing papers, and taking exams. When you had achieved all of this, you walked down the aisle to receive your diploma. Each of these was a stepping stone for you. There may be goals that you set and begin the journey, only to decide that this was not the direction you wished to go. At this point, new stepping stones were made apparent as a new path presented itself. You may consider the stepping stones preceding this decision as the wrong direction to take. In reality the stepping stones are never wrong, but simply a necessary part of your life path. I can think of a number of times when I chose to abandon what I thought was the right path for me, only to find that what lay ahead was even better. The choice I made to change my major from Biology to Psychology proved invaluable in the work I do today as a coach and counselor. Each degree allowed for new opportunities even though I didn’t understand what they were at the time. What have your stepping stones looked like in creating the life you have today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.