You're all heart

February 14, 2020

Today we celebrate love. While many choose to focus on the romantic form of love, love is present in all aspects of our lives. When we think of love, the heart is usually the first image that comes to mind. In fact our language is filled with references to the heart as the seat of deep feelings. The list includes heartfelt, heartless, downhearted, warmhearted, coldhearted, softhearted, hardhearted, wearing one's heart on one's sleeve, heartsick, heartache, heartbroken, sweetheart, and follow your heart. In contrast to this the only terms I could come up with related to the brain in a similar manner were brain dead, brainchild, scatter brained, and half-brained. What does this tell us about the value we place on the heart and what it signifies? is the power of the heart greater than the power of the brain? We know of reports of heart transplant recipients who develop unexplained memories that were part of the donor's life. We are only beginning to understand the nature of how the heart functions. Is it truly where love resides? The next time you are experiencing the sensation of love locate its presence in your body. Where does it show up for you?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.