What an idea!
The world we live in is populated by what we manifest through our ideas. Your computer or phone that you are using to read this had its origins in an idea. That idea made its way to the drawing board and then was produced as the item before you. This demonstrates the power of thought. It is a power possessed by each person on this planet. Knowing the potential of such power, doesn’t it make sense to use it wisely? When you focus on what is positive, you create outcomes reflecting the positive. The same can be said for the negative. As 2021 is coming to an end, ask yourself if the majority of the ideas you have had during this year have been positive or negative. Based on your response, how has your life looked during that time? What ideas have contributed to the world that you have created and is there anything you would do to change that? If you hold any dissatisfaction with what you see, begin today to turn that around. What idea are you aware of in this moment and how do you feel about its presence in your life?
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