A heart to heart talk
There are so many references to the heart as the seat of love and caring. Think of that idea when it comes to speaking with another person. When we speak from the heart, we do so from a stance of letting go of our defenses and truly listening to the other person. We allow ourselves to be vulnerable trusting that our words will be valued. Entering into such a conversation is not to be taken lightly. We generally choose someone whom we know and trust. This is a time to suspend the tendency to pass judgment. What is needed is a heart connection, not an analytical approach or a need to fix a situation. Consequently we don't find ourselves in too many of these conversations. They can sometimes be related to a point where we need to clarify our position in a relationship whether it be personal or business. One or the other of you may need to redefine the direction of that relationship. Having a heart to heart talk can clear the air and provide that direction. When was the last time you had a heart to heart talk and what came out of it?
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