A million lifetimes
There are those who believe that we are here only for one lifetime never to return again. And there are those that believe we have been here multiple times. I happen to fall within the latter. Here is food for thought. For me, this is based on the fact that there is a life energy within each of us. There is a basic law of thermodynamics that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be transformed. if that is so, then the energy that fuels life has always has been and always will be present. It is simply passed on from one lifetime to the next. That said, what about life before Earth was formed? This would mean that our energy existed in another time and place before arriving here. The same will be true after our planet no longer inhabits the solar system. Our life energy would reincarnate an infinite number of times, each time experiencing its existence in whatever environment it chooses to do so. It may be the Universe's plan to generate an infinite number of scenarios as a reflection of its diversity. Today you are one example of that occurring. How do you view the role that life energy plays in the Universe's plan?
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