A well-kept secret
Did you know that there is a part of you that can never be damaged or destroyed? It is that part of you that remains perfect throughout your life. It is what some call the spirit, the Divine Essence, or the soul. It is that part of you that has existed and will exist throughout eternity. You received it at the moment of conception and it will pass from you when you make your transition, but it will always be. It is what connects us to all of mankind, to all that is in the universe, and to the source of our being. Imagine the power of that connection that can never be truly broken. There are those who exercise their free will to ignore it's presence, but that does not cause it to disappear. It patiently and lovingly waits until the person chooses to reconnect with it. It does not judge or punish. That is not within it's nature. It gives unconditionally. What a different image from what I was taught as a child. Each of us has the choice of what that source is like and we will never be disappointed in how it delivers. There are as many versions as there are people on the planet. What is your version and how is it working for you today?
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