There are events that occur in your life that you may find to be a challenge. You may face an unexpected change in your health, an economic downturn, or the end of a long-term relationship. Sometimes it occurs without warning. It is important at this time to feel the emotions associated with event and allow them to flow through you. This avoids them being trapped to where they will have a negative effect on your well-being. Whatever is happening is part of your journey and can serve as the source of your greatest learning. One gift that you have been given to deal with life's challenges is resiliency. If you approach whatever is happening without projecting into the future, you will receive what you need to make it through that moment. Remember that acceptance is not the same as approval or hopeless surrender. It is an acknowledgment of the life you are experiencing this day. Think of how your life has changed over time and be willing to be present in it today. What do you need to be willing to accept today?
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