All that you need

March 11, 2022

Each day you are supplied with the means to move through this day. This will look differently for each person on the planet. The food, clothing, and shelter may be widely varied in its quality and quantity. For some it may barely be enough to sustain them through the day and for others it may appear as extreme excess. You may ask yourself why, if the Universe can easily provide abundance, everyone doesn't share the same in what they need. When people believe that they are restricted in what is available to them, that becomes their reality. Then again we are speaking of the tangibles in life. What about the intangibles such as love and caring? These are available at no cost. Some people think that it is easier to love and care for others after their needs are met. Perhaps the opposite is true. When we love and care for each other, we willingly share our resources. When the planet operates on love and caring, it vibrates at a higher energy level bringing more of what it needs. We experience glimpses of this when the people of the world respond to the victims of a natural disaster. The unfortunate side of this is that we can quickly forget about the shift that occurred following such an incident and revert to old patterns of thinking and behaving. For a permanent shift to occur we must remind ourselves daily of what it feels like to share with others knowing that we will not be deprived by doing so. How are your needs being met today and how can you share your good fortune with others?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.