An active imagination
When we were children we could spend hours on end in the garden of our imagination. The word, imagine, is based on the root word, image. We spend our time creating images in our mind that are free of what we consider to be reality. We imagine characters of mythical proportions, we see ourselves working in a certain occupation, we imbue ourselves with magical powers, we travel to exotic locations, and create friends who are invisible to all but us. Perhaps the greatest compliment we can give a child is to say that he or she has an overactive imagination. Thoughts are occurring on an even grander scale for this child. Imagination is about possibility. When nurtured, it provides the stuff that makes for screen plays, inventions, social movements, and economic changes. It is our chance to think BIG without any limitations or constraints. For many, what starts out as pure imagination ends up as an observable outcome that can affect the lives of countless others. For many of us we have tucked our imagination safely away in the dark recesses of our minds with little opportunity to bring it out into the light for exploration. What did you imagine as a child and how have you acted upon your imagination in your lifetime to make it happen? Is it time to revisit that imagination and take action today?
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