Baby steps
When we first begin to practice behaviors associated with spiritual laws such as the Law of Attraction and the Law of Circulation, we may find ourselves testing the waters so to speak. This is perfectly natural on our part. As we experience success and have more exposure to the laws, we become more bold in accessing them. This was the case for me when I first learned about these concepts ten years ago. I started out unsure of what would occur, much like learning to ride a bicycle. I would state a simple intention and watch to see what happened. When the intention manifested, I would credit it to the law behind it. Several years into using these principles, I began to take larger steps. The biggest one for me was when I set an intention to move into a large home by a specific date without any idea at all as to how that might happen. I gave a date for when I would be holding a housewarming to celebrate its arrival. On exactly that date I held a large party in a beautiful home that I could afford to rent. As I reviewed this success, I realized I never said that I would own the home, just live in it. The Universe complies with our desires as we express them. My intentions and their results have grown proportionately to my belief in them. The point is that we have to begin somewhere, even if it is with the smallest bit of trust, what I have referred to sometimes as the faith of a mustard seed. I believe that the spiritual laws of the Universe are just as predictable and reliable as the physical laws. We don't have to have a degree in physics to know that the law of gravity is present all around us. What baby steps have you taken in your journey in understanding the spiritual laws of the Universe?
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