Back to our babyhood
What is the most natural emotion for us to be feeling? It is joy. If you are ever around an infant you will observe that natural state. Infants have not yet begun to internalize messages that will begin to chip away at that joy. They are simply open to what the Universe sends their way in the form of nutrition, rest, eliminating what their body doesn't need. They don't say to themselves, "If I ingest this milk, I may get fat" or "I wish I could be a better baby." They see the world as a source of joy and pleasure. It doesn't take much to elicit giggles and coos. As we age this begins to change. We learn to express emotions such as rage, disappointment, and jealousy which only serve to lower our vibrational levels and to reduce the likelihood of attracting what we desire. What are ways in which you are thinking and behaving to generate joy in your life?
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