But I didn't order lima beans and liver
For the Law of Attraction to work for you, you must be clear about what it is you want to manifest. If you were seated in a restaurant and ordered surf and turf, you would immediately summon your waiter if liver and onions were served in its place. Especially if liver and onions were low on your list of preferred foods (they are on mine). When you are clear on what you desire from the Universe, you are more likely to have your request granted. The reason I use the term "more likely" is that it is important to add the phrase, "this or something better," to the request. There are times when the "something better" has manifested, so I am learning not to limit what the Universe can provide. For instance, my opportunities to attract additional income have shown up through invitations to speak at business meetings which were the "something better" when I was informing the Universe of what I was seeking in my life. Think of what you specifically desire before putting it out to the Universe so that you know when it arrives. What has manifested in your life and how did you know that the Universe had delivered it?
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