
February 3, 2021

What are you committed to accomplish in your life? Do you give lip service to what you desire or is this an area where you place your focus on a daily basis? Are you taking the steps that are needed to achieve your goals? If one of my goals is to have a specific number of clients each week, then I need to look at what I am doing to be worthy of providing service to them. This means I devote time on a daily basis to stay current in what is happening in my field, read about the principles of my field, take classes, network, and maintain my web site. Then I release the outcome to the Universe knowing that my intention has been set. I don't have to worry as to how the clients will contact me. When I look back at how this occurs I am aware that people contact me from a number of resources. The same process is true for any area of our lives. Remember that the largest part of the word, Attraction, is action. My action is directly proportionate to my commitment. There are times when I need to stretch myself by learning new technology and, whenever I decide to do that, support comes from all directions to walk me through this action. This is the power of our thoughts and intentions. What are you committed to today and what steps are you taking for that intention to manifest?

Book a Session With David Today

Ready to take your career into your own hands? Schedule a session with David to gain even more insight into getting the most fulfilling career for you. 

A reflection of a mountain in a lake.