We live in a world where it is easy enough to focus on ourselves and what we need and want. In doing so we may forget what others are going through in their lives. What you may take for granted, may be a struggle for others. For example, you may live in a world where freedom appears all around you. You are free to come and go as you please, to express your thoughts and opinions to others without fear of repercussion, and to meet your basic needs. We may forget that there are those for whom these freedoms do not exist. Their lives are subject to the will of those in power. This is the time to consider what their world looks and feels like. Rather than judge them, ask yourself what that would be like if it was you in that situation. Compassion is not the same as pity. It is connecting with our fellow human beings to understand what is happening for them when they don’t have what we have. When we do that, it may cause us to take action to address those differences to level the playing field of life. What are the circumstances under which you feel compassion for others?
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