Recall the last time you felt contented. For me it is a time when I feel satisfied with who I am and what I have accomplished. It is a time for me to stop and reflect on all that is going right in my life. Although I would relish the idea of this being a constant state for me, I realize that, as a human being, it is fleeting. My goal is certainly to feel true contentment more often. I can say that this has been the case for me over the last few years, especially when I begin each day by writing these blog messages. They set the tone for my day. I find that I am happier with what I have today. That doesn't mean I don't have dreams and aspirations. They are very much a part of the joy that I feel today. The difference is that I don't live in the "I'll be happy and content when I ..." state. That is futuristic thinking that prevents me from fully experiencing the moment. Many people think that contentment comes with a healthy bank account. In actuality there is a set point for what a person possesses financially and contentment doesn't increase with additional income beyond that. I am contented when my basic needs are met, when I know that I have love in my life, and when I am free to dream. Your conditions for contentment may be different. It is what is right for you. How contented are you today?
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