Count to ten
As a child I was reminded to count to ten before responding to a situation that brought up anger and frustration. That was probably a valid piece of advice as I look back upon it. I can recall so many occasions when I reacted immediately to what was in front of me. Once those words were uttered, they could not be retrieved. Had I taken time to quiet myself first, no later apologies would be necessary. The good news is that we can begin a new practice at any time in our lives. While it would have been more beneficial to have instituted this early in my life, I can start today. It is not something I will likely have immediate success with, but I first be aware of it as an option. It probably is more effective if I am consciously tuned in to my breathing at the same time. That helps to reduce stress and clear my mind. Focusing on my breath also distracts me from the negative emotions surging through me. I can then choose to express myself in a more caring fashion or refrain from speaking at all. How has counting to ten worked for you in the past and what can you do to make it a part of your life today?
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