Creating limiting beliefs
Have you ever thought what your life would be like if you weren’t plagued by your limiting beliefs. These beliefs might include “I’m not good enough,” “I seem to never get ahead,” or “I can never lose weight.” So where did these beliefs originate? They were created before you reached the age of six and were a result of the messages that were directly or indirectly given to you. “I’m not good enough” may have been based on a parent commenting negatively on something you were attempting to do. It may also have been based on a comparison between you and an older sibling. The message was internalized and stored in your subconscious. As you aged, you attracted situations that reinforced this belief. You most likely weren’t even aware of its source. This limiting belief prevented you from moving forward in the work you did or in the relationships that were unhealthy. Ask yourself, “Is this the life I see myself living?” If not, then it is time to reprogram your thinking. You can do this through a visualization technique, through affirmations, and through meditation. This requires daily practice. What limiting beliefs havey ou created that need to be reprogrammed?
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