
March 15, 2025

People often confuse creativity with artistry. They will refer to themselves with statements such as, "I'm really creative when it comes to putting together a dinner table for company" and "I prefer to putter around in the garage. I'm not really creative." Everyone on the planet is creative. We create when we translate our thoughts into a plan of action or construct a form to lay concrete for a backyard patio. From the void a thought is generated. We then make a choice on whether to act on it eventually producing an outcome or what we call a manifestation of that thought. For instance, I sat at the computer and generated a topic for my entry by considering what would be beneficial to me and my readers. When the idea of creativity was brought to mind, I thought about what I might write. The words in the paragraph you are now reading are the manifestation of that first thought. The same can be true of preparing a meal, changing the oil in your car, or rearranging the furniture in your living room. It all starts with a single idea leading to the creation of your outcome. What are examples of your creativity?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.