Dream big
As humans we have been blessed with the ability to dream. Not necessarily the dreaming that takes place when we sleep, but the ability to create ideas and plans for what we desire. We hear of famous people who turned their dreams into reality by staying focused on them. Dreams don't always involve a specific delivery date. It may take years before we realize the manifestation of those dreams. What do we do while we are waiting for that to happen? We take the necessary actions that will lead us to the point where we know our dream has been achieved. If you dream of providing medical care to children in a third world country, you acquire the skills and training needed to do that. If you dream of making changes within political systems, you learn about the current political climate and develop interventions for initiating change. Whatever you choose to dream, why not dream big? The Universe will conspire to send the resources needed to make your dream come true. What are your dreams for today?
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