Embracing the unknown

April 26, 2021

For many of us it can be unsettling to step into the unknown. The known provides a sense of predictability and security. We feel a greater sense of control when we are dealing with the knowns in our lives. We refer to this as being in our comfort zone. We create routines that reflect the known. We tend to awaken at the same time each day, walk through the day in a particular sequence, and then retire at approximately the same time each night. It is not especially comfortable when an event disrupts that pattern. We talk about being thrown for a loop when that occurs. We come to live in a world with limited possibilities where change is to be avoided. In doing so we limit what life has to offer. Think about how much richer life would be if people embraced the unknown. Each day would be a grand adventure. It could begin by asking, "What is something new I could try today?" It might be visiting a restaurant that serves unusual foods or maybe skateboarding. You might not choose to repeat it or it might be part of the new you. What is something you could try that would involve embracing the unknown?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.