Exercising your brain
One hundred years ago most people learned enough in school to get by in whatever their role in life was. I recall my father telling me that his father retired doing pretty much the same job he began. In today's world it is important to be dedicated to on-going learning. The changes in technology alone are mindboggling. These tools connect us to others across the planet or solve complex problems instantaneously. The more we learn, the more we have available to solve whatever is before us. I read at least one book each week. I am selective about the television programs I watch limiting them to those that educate me in areas of interest. I rarely watch the news since it is designed mainly to focus on problems and not solutions. I also wanted to feel uplifted and inspired by what I learn. That is a rarity when I read a newspaper or watch the news. We need to make learning a conscious effort requiring us to process what we are taking in and not engaging in a passive activity. When I was a classroom teacher years ago, I would end the school day by asking each student to state one thing that he or she learned that day. That is a habit we should each have before we retire at night. How are you exercising your brain today?
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