From breakdown to breakthrough
It is sometimes during our most challenging times that we experience our greatest growth. We go through what is often called “the dark night of the soul” as part of that process. It is a period of confusion and uncertainty. We feel like we have lost our way and are floating in a sea of doubt with the shore far from sight. We wonder if this time will ever pass. Rather than resist this time, accept it as a natural part of life. Remain open to the message it has for you. Recognize that every beginning is preceded by an end. Whatever your old way of thinking and behaving was is opening up to new ways of being in the world. In doing so, you are receptive to a breakthrough that can lead to a new freedom and a new happiness. Perhaps you were working in a job that brought little fulfillment and satisfaction. You awoke one morning saying to yourself, “I just can’t keep doing this.” You didn’t know what to do next, but you knew that it wasn’t your current job. You realized it was time to explore new options and take action to turn them into reality. You shared with plan with others you knew would support you. Through introspection you learned that what you truly wanted was to follow your dream of working with children or becoming a doctor. You were soon on the path to making that happen. How have you turned your breakdowns into breakthroughs?
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