Giving and receiving
Have you ever heard the old adage, "It is better to give than to receive?" Perhaps another way to look at this is that it is better to give AND receive. Giving and receiving are integral parts of the Law of Circulation. This Law is based on the principle of constant flow and expansion. There is both a source and an outlet that promotes flow. Take the use of money, for example. Its source may come from compensation for our work, a gift, a loan, or while walking down the street and finding coins. You then have a choice. You can either decide to spend it or save it. Spending promotes flow. That is why money is referred to as currency. When we save money for an indeterminate amount of time, it remains stagnant. Have you ever noticed that, when you give of your money, more money comes into your life to replace it. That is because the Universe seeks to fill vacuums. That doesn't mean you spend indiscriminately; it means that you will always be taken care of. Give freely of your time, talent, and treasures and watch what happens. Look at how you are giving and ask yourself if there are other ways to increase that practice. Then ask yourself where you are in being receptive to receiving. Your goal is to become equally comfortable with both. Where are you with giving and receiving today?
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