Think about the last time you passed information on to someone that was detrimental to another. Now ask yourself what motivated you to do this. We engage in gossip as a means to elevate our own sense of importance. We are part of an elite group that is privy to such information and we are selective with whom we share it. Or by placing a negative focus on someone else, we hope to deflect such statements from coming in our direction. Or we have nothing better to do in our lives and this type of activity energizes us. Think about the effects that gossip has on others. In many cases the information shared is flawed. It is much like the game of telephone we played as children where the final message is nowhere near the original one. Your gossip may cause irreparable damage within a family or business. How would you feel if you were the target of such gossip? The progress that gossip takes can be stopped with one simple statement by you: "I don't do gossip." If it takes you out of the loop, then you have demonstrated integrity. What will you do when you hear a bit of gossip today?
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