Hidden treasures
As you go through your day be sure to take time to notice the little things that bring pleasure to your life. It may be a kind word of a stranger, an unexpected phone call from a friend, or a beautiful sunset. Give yourself permission to pause and take it in as a gift from the Universe. It is a way of connecting to something or someone outside of yourself that reminds you that you are not alone. Memories of such incidents can be stored and brought to mind whenever we wish. Think of that phone call from a friend and the history you share. Think of how you have supported one another throughout the years even when significant periods of time have passed since you last saw each other in person. Recall the first time you met. Did you ever think your relationship would have grown into what it is today? You can recall every positive experience in your life in this way. For some, it may take some effort to find those hidden treasures, but they are always there if we are open to them. What was the last hidden treasure you uncovered?
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