I declare
We use declarations as a way to generate new possibilities in our lives. The most powerful declarations are those that begin with "I am..." We begin with the words and open ourselves to the Universe's response. I created a declaration over a year ago and wrote it on a poster board. It related to my belief in myself as a career coach. Then I watched as the Universe sent a multitude of people and resources to support that belief. Books related to coaching, opportunities to present and attend workshops, offers to be interviewed on the radio, and new clients are continuously part of my world now. We have the choice to declare with confidence the positive aspects of who we are as well as the negative aspects. The Universe will simply deliver manifestations of whatever that choice is. For example, if your declaration is that you are always financially destitute or unlovable, you will be the recipient of whatever supports that belief. What do you choose to declare today that best serves your highest good?
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