If I knew then
Go back in time to when you were five years old. Think of what you thought your life would be as you aged. What would your high school years be like? What would you be studying and doing for fun? How would that set the stage for what would occur after graduation? What would you adult years be like? What would you be doing for a living and where would your home be? How many years would you work before retiring? For many people, answering such questions at the age of five would have been impossible. It wasn't until you reached those years that the answers came. Or perhaps your life was planned by someone other than yourself and the answers were predetermined. If you knew at five years old what you know now, would you have made different choices as you grew older? Would you have pursued a different occupation or lived in a different part of the country? You can't go back to the past, but you can start today to ask yourself how you would like to spend the time you have remaining here. What steps could you take today to have that manifest in your life and choose to act on at least one of them. What would your new life look like based on that?
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