If I only knew then
How many times have we chided ourselves on a decision we made that didn’t turn out the way we had hoped when we made it? We use 20/20 hindsight to judge the validity of that decision. Remember that there was a purpose or goal behind that original decision. It was most likely based on some good that would result from it. You decided on an investment plan that later proved to be a money loser. You continued in a relationship that was doomed from the beginning. You approached each situation with hope that there would be a positive outcome. It wasn’t until circumstances changed that the decision you made was not in your best interest. Know that each decision you make is designed to contribute to your own growth. It is only what you do with that information today that matters. Do you need to be more discerning in how you approach such situations in your life based on past experience? Few, if any, are capable of making perfect decisions. That is why we remind ourselves that we can learn from our mistakes since they are truly only learning opportunities. What situations have you experienced that you would have made a different decision about knowing what you know now and what did you learn from it?
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