In all fairness

July 20, 2018

Throughout life we hear people exclaim, "That's not fair." As a child I was told that there were only two kinds of fair: County and State. Being fair involves the application of rules and standards to specific situations that are designed to treat people equally. The idea of unfairness comes from the side of the receiver who likely believes that applying those rules doesn't serve their best interest. It can be an attempt at a power play when there is a perceived winner and loser. It can also be a way of avoiding the consequences of one's actions. If the rules were truly fair there would be no need to challenge or avoid them. Fairness is what the Universe is all about when it responds to our thoughts and feelings. It does not judge what we desire and then selectively decide who receives and who doesn't. The Universe only grants us what we ask for and does so without weighing what that will ultimately mean for the person who is sending out those thoughts. You may not like the results of what you receive, and it is up to you to be clear on what you seek. What have you seen as unfair in your life and what part might you have played in its manifestation?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.