Knowledge is power

September 14, 2020

When we hear the word, knowledge, we tend to think about possessing vast quantities of information. The more we know, the more we can use this to control and manipulate the world around us. That is one use of knowledge. Think about knowledge in another form. What about the power to understand others around you? How would you benefit from seeing the perspective from another person's point of view? Would you be as quick to judge their actions if you knew what was behind them? To learn what someone else's perspective might be, the most effective way is to talk with them. "Tell me what that's like for you", invites them to begin to share their story. You might be surprised to learn that it is quite different from the one you may have created about them. It could contain the potential for creating a much healthier relationship. Or it may be just enough for you to get beyond whatever is of concern for you in the moment. It will provide you with more knowledge than what you had prior to your conversation and that will be powerful. When was the last time you invited someone to share who they are that added to your knowledge and power?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.