Longing for love
As human beings we long for love. It is within our nature to feel nurtured and cared for regardless of our age. Without love we fail to thrive. As an infant we form a bond with our primary caretaker, most often our mother. This is the time when we learn to trust. When we enter school we seek out love in the form of belonging and acceptance from our peers. This also includes the close friendships that allow us to share our thoughts and beliefs. As we enter into our adult years we continue to maintain those friendships and establish new ones. At one point it may include the presence of a significant other that includes forming an intimate relationship. This may extend for a limited number of years or a lifetime. It is fed by the longing for love that is hopefully met with this partner. This may be enhanced by the love that we feel from any children that come from your union with a significant other. Thus our longing for love is fulfilled by any number of sources. When it is not met it can lead to challenges in our lives including feelings of loneliness and isolation. How is your longing for love being fulfilled today?
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