Think about your life today. Ask yourself how you would rate it in terms of how satisfied you are. Are there any aspects of it that you would like to change? Perhaps you would like to shed a few pounds to fit into a favorite outfit. Maybe you are interested in savings toward a dream vacation. You might even want to change your attitude or view of life. When we think of a metamorphosis, we generally think of the process a caterpillar goes through to become a butterfly. For the caterpillar, there isn’t much thought that goes into initiating the process. It simply allows itself to do it. For humans, it probably isn’t as easy. We begin with a thought or desire to make a change based on the notion that the current situation isn’t what we would prefer it to be. The next stage requires us to consider the steps it would take to achieve the outcome. It might be reducing our calorie intake or start an exercise program. It could be a commitment to deposit $50 a month into a vacation account. It might require consciously reviewing our attitude about life and noting three things you are grateful for on a daily basis. Through perseverance and commitment, you are aware of the metamorphosis taking place in you. You are transformed from a caterpillar into the butterfly. What aspect of your life would you like to see undergo a metamorphosis and what would your first step be in making that happen?
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