When we think of opulence we tend to think of having material possessions that are far beyond what most people have. We conjure up images of the Taj Mahal, a personal jet, or a large yacht. No expense has been spared. Often there are judgments surrounding the presence of such opulence. You hear people ask, "How could they spend all that money on a home (or a car)? There are so many people who could benefit from the money they spent." This type of thinking assumes that there is only so much money available in the world. When one person spends their money on the object of their desires, it comes at a cost to others. This is what is referred to as scarcity mentality. The Universe knows only abundance. The word, opulence, actually means 'characterized by rich abundance.' If the presence of opulence brings forth feelings of joy, happiness, and freedom, then it is attached to the vibrational frequency of those emotions bringing more of the same. If you look upon opulence with disdain, it is unlikely that it will become a part of your reality. You attract that upon which you place importance in your life. What one person values may not match what the next person desires. The Universe never runs on empty. If you desire opulence, what does that look like for you today?
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