Our last goodbyes
We have a limited time on this planet in our physical bodies. I just read that the oldest person on record recently died at 117. Others are only here for hours. There is no predicting what our life span will be. What is important is how we spend our living minutes and hours. What would happen if each day you awakened and asked yourself how you could be of service to others in the next 24 hours? Would you choose to treat others as stepping stones to pursue your own ambitions or would you think of ways to practice kindness and caring? At the end of your life, who would you want to say your goodbyes to? Would you want to express gratitude to them for the difference they made in your life? How many lives end with regret for the words they did not say or the deeds they did not carry out that would have mattered to others? In those final moments who would you want to talk to and what would you say?
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