Playing by the rules
Many years ago when I worked as a classroom teacher, I would begin the school year by sitting down with my students and developing a list of classroom rules. It was a democratic process that everyone who entered our domain would be required to abide by. There were only five or six rules and each was stated in the positive. Accompanying each rule was a logical consequence for breaking it. This proved to be the more challenging task but even 10-year-olds could do it. No comments other than pointing out the rule that was broken and its consequences were ever made. Needless to say, the class ran smoothly that year. Students found it particularly empowering to point out when an adult had broken a rule and had to experience the same consequences as they would. Obviously consistency and clear expectations were important factors in the plan's effectiveness. Thirty years later I am still in touch with these same students who remind me of the value this had for them. What are the rules that guide you in your life today? What are the consequences when they are broken or not respected? Are the consequences carried out based on love and not anger? Rules can be designed to create freedom, not constrain it. Think of how much more learning occurred in the classroom when an inordinate amount of time was not being spent on contesting unwanted behaviors. What are the rules you play by today and how are they benefitting you?
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