Raising the bar
Most people spend their lives believing that they only deserve so much and nothing more. They tell others that they only want to earn so much money, drive a car that gets them from one place to another, or settle for a relationship that barely meets their need to love and be loved. When we choose to live life this way, the Universe responds with just enough to keep us within that zone of familiarity. Sometimes people refer to this as a comfort zone. But if you are talking about it, you are probably no longer comfortable with it. It is time to raise the bar on what you expect from life. When you do this, you expand your reality and grow into it. The Universe fills that new space with what you are seeking. After awhile you may decide to expand that reality again. There is no end to how you grow during this lifetime. The Universe will comply with that growth and send that which you desire. Why settle for less when you can have so much more? And you deserve so much more in life than to simply get by. In what area of your life would you raise the bar today?
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