Settling for less
When I was in elementary school my teachers would tell us that, if there were two unequal sizes of chocolate cake being offered, we should always take the smaller piece. Although I didn't argue the point, it never quite sat right with me, even as an eight-year old. My first question around it was, "But what if the other person doesn't like that flavor of cake? They would probably just leave most of it." My other question was, "So why doesn't the person cutting the cake cut equal sized pieces? Then it wouldn't be a problem to begin with." Or if both of us adhere to this practice then most of the time would be spent arguing over who would get the smaller piece. I was being asked to settle for less as a way of demonstrating a sense of self-sacrifice. It felt more like being untrue to what my desires were. When the Universe offers us the object of our desires, it does not force us to make choices and settle for less. There is more than enough to provide for everyone. This applies to chocolate cake, financial resources, and jobs. Be clear on what it is that you are asking and it will be given. What have you been settling for less of lately and how would you like that to change?
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