Shift happens

July 11, 2014

Have you ever found yourself at a point in your life where nothing seems to be happening? You may be struggling with finding a job or deciding whether or not to remain in a problematic relationship. You know that a change is needed, but you don't have a sense of direction for what that would be. You begin to develop a zone of familiarity around the situation achieving a level of comfort and security in it even though you tell yourself that you seek a change. If you continue to pursue new options, they will come to you. Declare your opennness to answers and they will come. I find this to be true when working with my clients to identify the next steps in their careers or assist in releasing trapped emotions that prevent them from living life fully. You can almost document the moment at which they feel the resistance and the indecisiveness melt away. They move from a position of inertia to one of revitalization and resolve. Think of what you might be experiencing today that appears to have no answer. Declare you openness to finding a solution and watch the resources you need begin to show up for you. Shift happens when you stop resisting it. It is what is needed for your growth and happiness. Where are you in your shift today?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.