Silence is golden
Take some time today to be quiet with yourself. Find a place free of distractions and sit with your eyes closed. Clear your mind as much as possible and see what enters your thoughts. If it is a thought that brings up concern, use this time to reflect upon it. Ask yourself, "What do I need to have this change in my life?" Remain open to what follows. It may come as an image, a verbal message, or a feeling. If a distracting thought enters your mind, accept it as that and send it on its way. Refocus on your concern and wait for answers. They will come. They may not be in a form that appears logical at the moment, but know that the answer is present within it. This task is next to impossible when you are busy talking to others and actively making decisions. There is a golden opportunity to be given what you need in the silence. Make time to take advantage of this. It could be for as little as five minutes and as much as half an hour. It is well worth the time you take. What are you dealing with today that could benefit from some quiet time?
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