Sitting with your thoughts
As we develop our awareness of the Law of Attraction, we learn the power of our thoughts. It might be helpful to tune into the feelings that these thoughts generate to identify their effect on what we are looking for in life. If my thoughts result in feelings associated with happiness, joy, creativity, or appreciation, then I am offering a vibrational level that will attract what I desire. If my thoughts result in feelings associated with deprivation, scarcity, fear, or anger, then I am likely to attract more of what contributes to those feelings. Stop at this moment and take stock of what your thoughts are. Where are they taking you based on what you are feeling around them? If you are not particularly pleased with the message they are sending you, make a conscious effort to revise that message. If there is a story connected to your current thoughts, you may want to look at rewriting that story in your mind to generate a different set of emotions. It does require effort on your part as does any new behavior. You will learn how your thoughts work in your favor as a barometer that measures your vibrational levels. What are your thoughts telling you at the moment?
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