There is an eighth day of the week known as Someday. That is the day that we eagerly plan for but one that never arrives. It forever awaits and eludes us. Yet it is a part of our daily vocabulary. "Someday I'll visit Europe." "Someday I'll finish writing that book." "Someday I'll cut down on my drinking." Someday creates the illusion of intention. Someday often transforms into regret when we realize it will never manifest for us. Think of all the times you have heard the "If onlys" attached to Somedays. Waiting for Someday diminishes the joy we are here to experience. Think of a Someday that exists in your life and commit to making it happen today. Observe the difference it makes in your life once it is present. You may need to resist the temptation of asking yourself, "Why didn't I do this sooner?" Simply open this up as a wonderful possibility in your life. What is the Someday that you can turn into a Today and how will you feel when you achieve it?
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