Someday I will
We sometimes express our desires from the perspective of what we will have in the future. That future may be only seconds or a lifetime away. An example of this is when you go into an ice cream store. You order saying, "I will have a Rocky Road ice cream cone." That statement comes from the fact that you don't have it now, so you are coming from lack. When we approach the Universe from a position of lack, that is what we attach to it and the Universe responds accordingly. When we reframe our intentions and desires in the present tense, there is power behind it. Since there is only now, the Universe again responds accordingly. This increases the probability that we manifest our intentions. It is also important to look at the emotions that accompany your intentions. When we are feeling joy, happiness, or excitement, we raise our vibrational levels to attract that which further enhances those feelings. What is your "I will" that you can change to "I am?"
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