Staying motivated

February 16, 2025

When I talk to people I know, they tell me of the problems they have with motivation. Their days no longer involve waking up at 6:00 AM, going to work, and returning home at 6:00 PM. Their routine has been disrupted and it has taken awhile to establish a new one. For many there is no longer the need to commute to work and so they find themselves with extra time on their hands. Their morning routine may not begin until 8:00 and they have completed all of their work tasks by 3:00. Others find that they are forgetting to check the clock and work 12 hour days. For them motivation may involve setting aside time to relax and disengage from the work day. Recognize that it is important to identify what it is that motivates you. Are you a person who relishes the feedback you get from co-workers, a bonus that accompanies a team project, or a chance to attend a conference in some exotic setting? Or do you find yourself motivated by an internal sense of accomplishment or taking charge of setting your own goals? Or is it a combination of the two? Whatever motivates you, look for ways to build that into your day. Be creative. What are you doing today to stay motivated?

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A reflection of a mountain in a lake.