Sticking power
It isn't difficult for each of us to imagine what we desire. We may think of having large sums of money, losing weight, or being in the perfect relationship. We do what it takes to attract the object of our desire to us. Then, when it manifests itself, it comes and goes. We wonder what happened. It is likely that we failed to change our thoughts and feelings about having what we desire as a permanent part of our lives. Thoughts such as, "I don't really deserve this," "What does he see in me?" or "I look great now, but I always manage to pack on the pounds" play in our minds. Eventually we return to what some refer to as our set point, a mental image of how we believe ourselves to be or how we accept what we have. For the Law of Attraction to be truly effective, we have to reprogram our thoughts and feelings to allow what we desire to stick in our lives and become who we are and enjoy what we have over a long period of time. Then we can truly enjoy the fruits of our desires. What is it that you have been finding to be elusive to whch you could apply some sticking power?
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